Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dinner at the Denneys

This week I posted a poll on Facebook: How often do you cook and do you plan ahead?

It got a lot of hits and a large variety of responses. I haven't conscientiously thought about this in a long while, but it's worth a studied re-visit.

When Tom and I married - 21 years ago - I did not cook ANYTHING. I had a few easy things up my sleeve, but not much. My mother-in-law however was the domestic queen complete with a home economics degree from Auburn. (She jokingly called it her M.R.S. degree) Most of Tom's life he sat down to a meat, two vegetables, salad, bread and a dessert = usually all from scratch. She was not only a natural, but also very precise about how she prepared the food and the atmosphere.

Not only did she love the art of preparing a good meal, but she also savored the ritual of a family meal. She shared with us why she felt this way when Trey was born. She told us that it creates "family." She felt that family was a way of life, not a group of people.

Seems like we've always sat down to dinner for most of our 21 years. I'm not saying we do it every single night - it's just not possible. We all four have very busy schedules. But when we don't - we ALL miss it. Especially our little renegade - He thrives at the dinner table. Everyone gets their moment to shine and we genuinely enjoy each others company. After all, everyone except me does not know any differently. It's just the way it is.

Like Mrs. Denney told us - you learn so much about your children by sitting down and eating with them. Since Tom and I are faced with raising Tom and Jeff Clones! - it's a wonderful thing.

We love you Grandmama - and miss you every day.


I'll have to make cooking, planning ahead and getting everyone to the table into another blog. It should be fun - especially since I have so many friends with lots of tips to share~ Cheri in Washington State shares my love of power cooking. Harrow, my baby sistah down the street, is a master of bulk purchases. AND. . .I've discovered a new menu item that I can make SIX meals out of for $4! That's 67 cents per meal or 16 cents per plate! and EVERYBODY loves it. STAY TUNED.

1 comment:

Harrow said...

SERIOUSLY!! Hurry up and share the .67 cent meal! I'm DYING to know!!