Sunday, February 3, 2008

One Year Later

This photograph is of my daddy, me, my mother, and my older brother. It was taken in May 2001. What a difference seven years makes.

My Daddy died on February 10, 2007, and just one year later, yep just two weeks shy of one year later my mother is diagnosed with lung cancer. She has surgery soon.

This is another road to go down. We'll manage. Losing a parent is hard. Thinking about losing both of them so close together - is even harder.

Me and my daddy were close. Me and my mother are oil and water. I've got a lot of soul searching to do - I've got to reach into places that before now were unreachable. Interestingly enough - It's a journey I'm looking forward to.


Cheesecake Maven said...

Thinking of you, everyday, in the months ahead. Call anytime, you know I'll listen and can somewhat understand. It's real tough, but bearable. Love you all!

Eleanor said...

(((Melissa))) - You're never alone on the road, and don't you ever forget that.

Mnmom said...

Like my sis Cheesecake Maven said, we understand. I miss them every single day. Make time for quiet contemplation. Your mother has a story to tell, listen to it.