Friday, May 30, 2008

Miscellaney Soup

I've got a lot of things to throw at ya~


We need to come together~

One of my favorite movies of all time -- JUNO~

After a lot of thought, I think I like it because Juno is SO self-confident, strong and makes unpredicted and out of stereotype choices. YOU MUST WATCH THIS MOVIE.

I'm STILL waiting to exhale~ WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN? And God help ME, if I'm ever judged on the ministers and visiting ministers of the churches that I've attended!

What's with the plastic water bottle, Barack? You can do better than that!

And Finally~~

Separated at birth? Tom Denney - Keith Olbermann. . .you decide. Intelligent, handsome - salt and pepper hair, witty, and left - far left - of center. . .politically. . . .of course. . . . . .no wonder I have a crush on. . . . .Keith . . . . .and LUV Tom Denney.

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